I am currently a year 5/6 teacher in Devon so I create a great many resources throughout the year - particularly when it comes to that dreaded SAT time of year. Hope you will find many helpful resources here to save you time during the hectic 2 term year that is Year 6!
I am currently a year 5/6 teacher in Devon so I create a great many resources throughout the year - particularly when it comes to that dreaded SAT time of year. Hope you will find many helpful resources here to save you time during the hectic 2 term year that is Year 6!
An exercise children can do in pairs, groups or individually based on identifying subordinate clauses and conjunctions.
I find that children often get confused when asked to underline either clauses or the conjunctions. This is a good exercise to get them used to what the vocabulary is referring to.
A free sample reading comprehension to demonstrate the range of year 5 and 6 reading resources I currently have on TES.
This is a short reading comprehension with a quiz aimed at focusing on the following points:
true and false
fact and opinion
word comprehension and synonym knowledge
This resource is available in both Word and PDF and includes an answer file for ease of marking.
For more resources, please visit my shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexvtye
A starter exercise to get the class thinking about formal and informal language and promote class discussion. There are also a couple of slides based on missing commas just to jog pupils’ memories.
An A4 sheet of useful conjunctions (and relative pronouns) that children can use in their writing. Ideal for laminating and keeping in their drawers. When writing, they can tick off different conjunctions to encourage using a wider range.
If you’re struggling to find something to fill those end of the term time gaps then this might give you half an hour respite. Rearrange the anagrams of film titles. Can they get them all?
Second in series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
First in series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
A differentiated series of 3 worksheets, ranked with 1-3 chilli peppers, containing ratio word problems (8 per sheet).
Children can choose their difficulty or teacher can differentiate. Offers opportunity to move onto a more challenging set of problems if the former turns out to be too easy.
Answer sheet included in folder for ease of marking, as well as the problems being included in word and PDF format.
Fifth in a series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
Fourth in a series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
Third in a series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
A powerpoint slideshow to demonstrate how main clauses should be separated using semicolons or dashes.
Examples shown to model correct usage (and incorrect usage)
Opportunities for partner talk
End of presentation task (copy five sentences and insert semicolons correctly)
EXTENSION CHALLENGE to create own two main clause sentences divided by semicolons.
Four short passages where children must use inference with regards to the text in order to answer 3 mark questions. This is good practice for providing evidence from the text itself and explaining reasoning.
These exercises can be carried out in a whole class guided reading environment, small groups or individually. Might be a good idea to one text as a class and discuss how to answer the questions. Give another as a paired exercise and the final two as individual work.
A teacher notes/answers sheet is provided as a separate file for ease of marking.
2 separate worksheets (with answers for ease of marking) that call on pupils to identify main, subordinate and relative clauses in different sentences. The method asks for similar identification to that asked for in the GPS SATs test so can be used as a good foundation for revision or simple teaching throughout upper key stage 2.
This is a new teacher published book about little people called the ‘Lampkeepers’ who lived in lampposts during Victorian times. The story can be read as a standalone to children across the whole primary curriculum or it can be used in conjunction with the chapter-by-chapter comprehension quizzes that accompany it in key stage 2.
The writing is designed to be mostly phonically decodable and uses a range of writing features for good teacher modeling. Incorporated into the writing are many examples of multi-clause sentences, semicolon usage, subordination, use of coordinating conjunctions, use of the subjunctive, exclamatory sentences, similes and metaphors.
The comprehension quizzes are designed around the SAT style questions that children will face in the reading papers - e.g. fact/opinion, true/false, inference, retrieval, synonyms, word comprehension.
All answers are included at the end of each comprehension quiz for ease of marking.
The Christmas views of a rather grumpy Christmas tree who is dragged indoors every December.
Written in the first person, the story/narrative is accompanied by a comprehension quiz (15 questions) requiring pupils to infer, recall, retrieve, state true or false, state fact or opinion, consider word meaning/comprehension and look for synonyms. Questions are styled to be a good practice ahead of the SAT reading paper.
All answers are included for ease of marking.
Year 5/6 Reading comprehension based on a newspaper article written about a planned housing development in a fictional town. Contains layout of a newspaper report, opinions and examples of formal writing throughout. Also contains interviews and opinions to provide context to the report.
Comes with a 20mark reading comprehension paper with questions based around the following:
True and False
Fact and Opinion
Word comprehension
Questions are accompanied by an answer sheet for ease of marking and marking boxes for speedy feeback (especially if peer-marking is to be used).
A two-page first-person narrative written by the Ghost of Christmas Past that describes his visit to Scrooge. A good example of a well-known story being written by another character’s point of view with shifts in formality (good for modeling and discussion). Exercise can be done as whole-class guided reading, group guided reading or individually.
Story comes with a 15 question comprehension consisting of:
Some elements of GPS
All answers are included at the end of the document for ease of marking.
Newspaper article on Prometheus stealing fire from The Gods and giving it to humankind. Uses formal language and writing features expected in a news article as well as including a shift to informality where appropriate in interviews.
Article is accompanied by a 14 question (19 mark) reading comprehension comprising of:
level of formality
Available as Word and PDF with answers for ease of marking.
A useful year 6 revision tool comprising of 19 grammar and punctuation questions.
Also includes 20 spellings with a mixture of year 5/6 list spellings, frequently used words and homophones.
Questions targeted on:
adverbs and adjectives
relative clauses
word classes
‘a’ and ‘an’
formal language
passive and active voice
All answers are included for ease of marking.